Sunday, March 8, 2009

Beauty & the Beast

Ever given a thought that why Men and women are so different ? I mean if you look at women, they are god's best creation and then you look at men and you think......nothing . Sometimes i feel pity for those beautiful ladies , i mean they let men climb on them, touch them ,kiss them ....pretty gross isn't it .

Look at women's body , everything is just perfect.Pretty nice lips, beautiful eyes , a very smooth skin and then you look at men, rough skin , hair all over their body and that too not like bear type hair ( actually my friend has one of those kinds) but in patches like someplace you will have whole jungle and at other it will be like African desert. We (men) look like half human and half goat ,isn't it ?

Well , I am pretty sure that if i was a woman , I would have been a lesbian:)

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