Saturday, September 5, 2009

Andhra's new CM ?

It was shocking to hear that Andha's CM died in a chopper crash but what was more shocking to hear is that his son is being recommended for the CM's position. Why ???? Why is it that politics have to be a family affair ?I mean what is his credential to be a CM ? He is fairly new to the politics and I do not think that a coveted seat like that of Chief Ministers should be given out based on the family names.

One of the reasons that we are still lacking behind China and other countries is because of people who put their interest above countries.

I just hate when i read article like these and feel like questioning the sense of people involved. Ahh......may be i should join politics :)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Shahrukh @ Newark Airport

Let me start by saying that I like Shahrukh ( more as a person than as an actor) . He is smart, a great communicator, suave and knows how to work the crowd. It was sad what happened to him at the Newark Airport( for those who dont know , Shahrukh Khan is a leading Indian actor of Bollywood and holds a similar kind of mass appeal as Tom Hanks or Cruise in Hollywood and he was interrogated by Immigration officials @ Newark Airport for 2 hours ) but having said that I do not think there is anything wrong with it . I think what those people did was absolutely right , I mean do we Indians care about some hot shot from Zimbabwe or Kenya ??? Then how and why do we expect these American Immigration officers to care about him ? It would have been a different issue had they known him, but I would give them benefit of doubt and assume that they had no clue who he is. I think those Immigration officers only did their job and we should not be making a big deal of it .

Just my two cents.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

India celebrates its 62nd Independence Day

Happy Independence Day to all Indians out there.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Life on Mars ????

I am a big believer that we are not the only ones to inhabit this universe. Millions of Galaxy and in them probably zillions of stars and each having so many planets revolving around them , i just think that its impossible that we are the only exceptions. Anyhow we are not discussing life in Universe but Past/Present life on Mars so I would like to stick to that school of thought.

I do believe that there was definitely life on Mars in past and here is why i feel so

1. Diameter of Mars is almost half of earth which means that it was cooling at a faster pace than earth. So its very much possible that Mars was a habitable place with warmer temperatures ( as compared to now ) billions of years ago while earth was still a burning hot place.

2. All the photographs suggest that ridges on Mars is most likely because of erosion by water and as we know that Water is basic ingredient for life as we know of today.

3. Existence of Methane (approx 10 parts per billion) in Martian atmosphere.As far as i know ,presence of Methane can be explained by only two phenomenon 1. Volcanic activity or 2. Biological process. We know for a fact that Mars does not have volcanic activity or too much of tectonic movements, so is it biological process??

Is there any form of life present in Mars as of today?

I dont think we will find any intelligent life on Mars presently but may be microbial life which i guess would be a good news from research/academics point of view.

Just my two cents.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

India's Longest Flyover- 4 it enough ?

Read on that India is soon going to have their longest flyover ( 11.2km ) in Hyderabad.I am not sure when would we really start thinking ahead of time. India is growing fast and with cheaper cars coming into the market, is it really a smart move to just build a 4 lane flyover? What after 5 years we realise that this flyover is not meeting the traffic need and we need to expand more. Are we again going to take up new expansion project ? I do feel happy that something is getting done, but we need to think ahead of time. We need to start building 8 lanes considering the rising traffic of India. 4 Lanes may work right now, but would cause bottleneck in future.

Just my 2 cents

Saturday, May 16, 2009

UPA again

Finally the Indian elections are over and UPA has come out on the top . This election was a game changer in many ways and for many people

1. Congress doubling its seat in UP ( from 10 in '04 to 20 in '09)
2. Limiting the Lefts to a handful of seats as compared to what was being proclaimed by them.
3. Loss of the constituencies by heavy weights like Lalu Prasad, Ram Bilas and others.

1. Congress doubling its seat in UP :- For all those who know about Indian elections , they might be aware how important it is for any party that wants to form the government to do well in Uttar Pradesh. I believe this time , it has been the best performance of Congress in UP in a very long period of time . UP has 80/543 seats in Parliament and I don't think its necessary to do well, but it definitely helps the party if they do well in UP. As I had already mentioned in my very first post ( back in December '08) that its time that youths should play more vital role in the today's politics and we already saw the result of it. Kudos to Rahul Gandhi for making it a successful elections for Congress in UP . Seriously, it was his idea to go alone in UP ( instead of contesting jointly with SP ) and he lead the whole campaign from the front. I know that its too early to say that just because he led a successful campaign in UP doesn't necessarily mean that he will be a good leader, but what I think is that he can be trusted . I like Rahul and would be interesting to see what he does next .

2. Limiting the Lefts to a handful of seats as compared to what was being proclaimed by them :- All these four years , they tried to play their cards, trying to block the nuclear deal and pressurizing the government from not doing what they ( lefts ) not want to be done. I think its good for the country because we all know that who is the Boss and the onus lies on Congress/UPA to prove what they have been chosen for ( and I hope that they will come out with flying colors)

3. Loss of the constituencies by heavy weights like Lalu Prasad and others:- Glad that people chose to elect mainstream parties rather than regional ones . Does it mean that its time to quit regional/caste ism based politics and start thinking about the real problems and real solutions? I am so glad that BSP/SP/RJD all didnt do fairly in this election. For once, we wont live under the fear that someone like Mayawati might actually become a PM ( thank god ).

I am not sure but this may be the end of Advaniji's career. I always liked him as a leader but I do not confer with the ideologies of his party. BJP should try to reshape itself as an agenda based party rather than being communal party. And if they are not a communal party then definitely they should start thinking about re-marketing themselves coz clearly voters didn't think otherwise.

All the best to the UPA government, may they lead India towards being a more successful,strong, prosperous and most of all a happy and proud nation.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Poker Nights

May be its time for me to take my poker skills to Vegas. I have been playing Texas hold'em with my boys for last 10 weeks now and i think i have cleaned out most of them on at least 4 or more occasions. Poker is a card's game but the ability to read the body language of your opponents is the most important element. When i started playing poker ,i could not even say that card that I had was the best hand or the worst , but as they say "good things come to those, who can wait" i got it . After putting couple of hours every Saturday and some research over the Internet and by observing some of World Poker videos on you tube, i think i got a hang of it .

So is there anyone who is ready for a game of poker;)