Sunday, August 2, 2009

Life on Mars ????

I am a big believer that we are not the only ones to inhabit this universe. Millions of Galaxy and in them probably zillions of stars and each having so many planets revolving around them , i just think that its impossible that we are the only exceptions. Anyhow we are not discussing life in Universe but Past/Present life on Mars so I would like to stick to that school of thought.

I do believe that there was definitely life on Mars in past and here is why i feel so

1. Diameter of Mars is almost half of earth which means that it was cooling at a faster pace than earth. So its very much possible that Mars was a habitable place with warmer temperatures ( as compared to now ) billions of years ago while earth was still a burning hot place.

2. All the photographs suggest that ridges on Mars is most likely because of erosion by water and as we know that Water is basic ingredient for life as we know of today.

3. Existence of Methane (approx 10 parts per billion) in Martian atmosphere.As far as i know ,presence of Methane can be explained by only two phenomenon 1. Volcanic activity or 2. Biological process. We know for a fact that Mars does not have volcanic activity or too much of tectonic movements, so is it biological process??

Is there any form of life present in Mars as of today?

I dont think we will find any intelligent life on Mars presently but may be microbial life which i guess would be a good news from research/academics point of view.

Just my two cents.

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