Sunday, March 29, 2009

Poker Nights

May be its time for me to take my poker skills to Vegas. I have been playing Texas hold'em with my boys for last 10 weeks now and i think i have cleaned out most of them on at least 4 or more occasions. Poker is a card's game but the ability to read the body language of your opponents is the most important element. When i started playing poker ,i could not even say that card that I had was the best hand or the worst , but as they say "good things come to those, who can wait" i got it . After putting couple of hours every Saturday and some research over the Internet and by observing some of World Poker videos on you tube, i think i got a hang of it .

So is there anyone who is ready for a game of poker;)

Friday, March 20, 2009

Inspired by "If"

I brought Xerox today at 4.41 and hope that it goes up. I know its not the best time to invest in the market and there is no guarantee that our investments wont tank but as Kipling once wrote "If you can make one heap of all your winnings and risk it on one turn of pitch and toss, and lose, and start again at your beginnings and never breath a word about your'll be a Man, my son" " so why not live the crazy life and see if I have guts to be in the stock market at the first place. I cant say that I am not getting butterflies in my stomach,but overall i feel confident. I have done my research , have been following this stock for a long time and after they cut the dividends today , i feel that its the right moment to get a piece of it .

Lets see how next week, turns out to be :)

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Time to rise against differences

This Morning I received an email from my friend which had a YouTube link for one of the Swami Vivekananda's speeches delivered in Chicago in 1893. For those who don't know about Swami Vivekananda , I would suggest that you google it or go to Wikipedia and read about him. Just in a nutshell, he was one of the most progressive thinkers of his times ( late 18th century) and could be considered as one of the early Hindu missionary to the west. He was a great thinker and worked really hard in his times to help India rise beyond caste ism and other petty differences among humans.

The main reason why i mentioned him is because I want to draw people's attention towards atrocities done on people based on religion,cast,race and so many other physical dimensions of which one has no human control. I am Hindu because I was born Hindu, I am an Indian because I was born in India . Point I am trying to make is that I could have been an American or British had i been born here or in UK. I could have been a Black,White or Latino had i been born in the any of those respective family.

One cannot control where they are born or who there parents are ,its not a choice we make . We could have been anybody , so why discriminate people based on color,religion,or any other dimension? Killing people in the name of religion is just not right , don't do it . Life should be all about hope and happiness , not about killing or hatred or discrimination.

Even in my society(Indian) there is lot of double standards.On one hand , we are trying everyday to make it a developed nation and on the other hand,there are still families who don't let go racism and casteism. They will talk about racism in America but they would not talk about casteism in India. To me , that's hypocrisy. We need to clean up our house, before we go on pointing fingers at others . I know people feel more comfortable with their own kind, but isn't it about time that we break the jinx and come out of the cocoon and be more acceptable w.r.t other culture,race and casts .

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Beauty & the Beast

Ever given a thought that why Men and women are so different ? I mean if you look at women, they are god's best creation and then you look at men and you think......nothing . Sometimes i feel pity for those beautiful ladies , i mean they let men climb on them, touch them ,kiss them ....pretty gross isn't it .

Look at women's body , everything is just perfect.Pretty nice lips, beautiful eyes , a very smooth skin and then you look at men, rough skin , hair all over their body and that too not like bear type hair ( actually my friend has one of those kinds) but in patches like someplace you will have whole jungle and at other it will be like African desert. We (men) look like half human and half goat ,isn't it ?

Well , I am pretty sure that if i was a woman , I would have been a lesbian:)

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Enthusiasm or being blown away?

Its funny how people get carried away in excitements. Last weekend, I was at one of my friends place for dinner,Karthik(my friend) and Vinita ( his wife) had made awesome chicken curry and we all were having very good time . I enquired Vinita about the recipe for the curry and before she could explain it to me , one of my other friend who happens to be a very nice guy but does have a tendency of getting hyper-excited hijacked the whole agenda and declared ostentatiously that I cant cook it .

Let me take a step back and explain the whole reason of him being so cynical about myself. I have been boasting about my culinary skills since last two years without any factual display and last weekend when I enquired about the recipe,he could not take it anymore and challenged me that if I cook chicken curry anytime within next seven days (ending on March 08, 2009),he would gladly give away his new BMW 335i to Vinita.

Well folks......tonight is the big night .I am going to cook chicken curry tonight and after that we will have a small hand over ceremony in which BMW will exchange hands:)

Apart from humour , Isn't it strange that people do such irrational things in excitement??????