Sunday, February 22, 2009

My take on Oscar's

So after watching marathon long Oscar's ceremony , i realized two things about myself . First of all how many good movies did i miss out in last year. I have always been a big sucker of good movies , however i havent seen so many recently . Secondly, i think i got the theme for my blog. Ever since i started jotting my thoughts over here I wasnt sure if i should write about politics or technology or anything else , but tonight i realised that there is only one thing about which i can talk at length and actually might have opinion of my own . So yes, from now on I would like to post my comments/oppinion about the movies that i have seen or will see in the future.

Coming back to Oscar's, Slumdog literally owned the show. I was little bit upset to see Mickey Rourke loosing but having said that I dont think it could have gone to a better guy . I have always admired Sean Penn and undoubtedly he puts his heart,mind and soul into any project that he takes. Also i liked his acceptance speech where he made an statement by talking about acceptance of Gays and Lesbians in our society. I am not gay but I do think that everyone on this earth should have the same rights . Being Gay or Lesbian is a personal choice and why should they (Gays/Lesbians)not have same previlages as so many others ( straight ) .

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